Billingham Choral Society - Welcome
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Choir photograph



Billingham Choral Society was founded in 1951 and is still a very active group of singers.  With over 30 members, both male and female, the choir enjoys singing from a wide repertoire of music including items from the musicals and modern songs which are always popular with audiences.

For the past 47 years, the choir has been under the leadership of Musical Director Margaret Pringle LLCM, who first joined the group in 1969 as Deputy Accompanist.  Margaret’s musical career began immediately after leaving school when she was encouraged to become the deputy accompanist of a Choral Society in Northumberland where she was born. She has worked with choirs ever since - singing, accompanying or directing.

Since September, Janet Howells has been accompanying us and we are pleased to, once again, have a regular accompanist. Janet and Margaret have worked together in the past when Synthonia and Stockton Male Voice Choirs amalgamated. Janet is also Musical Director of The Middleton Singers - a ladies choir based in Saltburn. It is hoped the two choirs will be able to present concerts together in the future - watch this space.

Billingham Choral Society operates an Equal Opportunities Policy, a copy of which, and any other information regarding the society, can be obtained from the Musical Director.

The choir recently recorded "The Waiting World" by Simon Mold for Tim Knight Publications.

To hear it follow this link -


Signature Tune

Hawkes Fire logo The choir is very grateful to both Hawkes Fire and Evoprint and Design Ltd for their support.


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Last updated 10th February 2025